I mentioned to Chris that all I wanted for Mother's Day this year was to have our ice maker hooked up. It is going to be summer soon it was would be nice to have ice. When Chris gets something into his mind he has to get it done so Sunday May 6th, he was looking into it what we would need to get it working and I reminded him that I had previously (like last year) bought the parts so he decided to fix it right then and there. I didn't think Sunday was the day to mess with electricity and plumbing but Chris had his mind set so he went to work.
We turned off the water and electricity and waited what seemed like forever for the lines to drain to get working on putting on a new valve to get water to the fridge. Chris pulled out the fridge and dishwasher. Drilled holes that lined up really well and threaded the hose through. Then put it all back together. FYI for those DYI'ers dishwashers are not hooked up like you would think with a plug that goes into the wall in the back. Ours has a wire that comes out of the wall that barely reaches to the front of the machine to hook it up and is a pain in the toe to get it where it needed to connect. This is a pic of Chris' face after he realized what he had to do to get the dishwasher hooked back up.
It took longer then expected but after waiting for 2 1/2 years we have Ice and it is wonderful!!! I don't know how pioneers survived summers in Utah's without ice. I have an amazing husband who listens and gets things done! There are so many reasons to love him!
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